ClicPorn/gay Review
Clic Porn is yet another free porn site with an amazing selection of gay sex videos. From what I saw during my visit to the site, Clic Porn’s gay category has thousands of videos that you can watch completely for free. There are also porn pics, a pornstar section, categories, channels, and a link to gay live cams.
The site has a few handy usability features, such as a basic search engine and sorting options. However, we wish there were some filters too. The videos are tagged, but you’ll usually see just a few tags added to every video, which isn’t enough in my opinion. At, you’ll mostly find scene excerpts taken from premium gay sites, which are usually about or less than 10 minutes long.
- Good selection of gay porn videos
- A few handy usability features
- HD gay porn
- Simple navigation
- Many categories
- Many ads