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IceGay/interracial Review

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At IceGay/Interracial, the first thing that we’d like to bring attention to is that the thumbnails absolutely pop on the dark, almost navy blue, background! But even more than thumbnails, the ratings really jump out at you with their bright green percentages and thumbs up icons. This site is extraordinarily similar to Ice Gay Tube, but Ice Gay itself seems at least nominally separate. The libraries do not appear to be identical, either, so the content at Ice Gay /Interracial, at least to a quick check between the two, appears to be a solidly individual collection of it’s own; meaning you don’t need to worry about that. Just like it’s similarly named cousin, this site is well-laid out, with solid features and usability overall – expect great tags and categories, though they’re used somewhat interchangeably, as well as lots of information on the player page.

This tube site is not an aggregator, as that last point implies – the player opens on this same site, within the design and with the features of icegay.tv/category/interracial – which is definitely a good thing if you find the wider access and reach of aggregators to not really overwhelm the constant click through and different site interfaces you have to deal with as part of using a site like that. As such, the site is, in our view, doing quite well within its niche – and so is the specific category we’re looking at more specifically. We think that IceGay/Interracial is a solid offering within the interracial tube offerings across the internet today, and we suspect that if you give this one a chance, you will too. It’s pretty hard to argue with pretty solid content that occasionally is added to, especially when the price you’re paying is free. Oat least, that’s our opinion on it, and a big part of why we recommend Ice Gay /Interracial.

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