Home » Straight Gay Porn Sites » NoWayAmIGay

NoWayAmIGay Review

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This gay porn site has plenty of straight amateur dudes who want to start doing modeling jobs. Becoming a model is something that all of these guys have been striving for, and they’re ready to show that they’re willing to do almost everything it takes to fulfill their professional goals. By “almost everything”, I also mean getting naked and beating their meat in front of another man. Now that you know its premise, let’s see together what kind of things you can expect from NoWayAmIGay.


No Way Am I Gay features a wide range of good-looking dudes who don’t mind whipping out their cocks and stroking them in front of another man who’s filming them. While all of them claim to be straight, it seems like they get very excited by the idea of masturbating on camera and other guys watching them do it. You’ll notice many different types of guys, from twinkish types to muscle daddies, which is good. However, I’d like to see even more POC performers in the future, as I feel there’s not enough diversity at NoWayAmIGay.

Content & Interface

While No Way Am I Gay has a decent amount of content that is both entertaining and looks good, the site would benefit from a fresh design. Some of the font choices and the overall layout of the site make it look very outdated. The color choice is fine, but again, I’ve seen many better-looking gay sites lately. On the plus side, you’ll notice that videos come with associated picture sets, which make this site more attractive to check out.


Overall, No Way Am I Gay is a good site but there are a couple of things to consider. Firstly, there’s no information about the site’s update schedule. Secondly, this straight gay porn site doesn’t look very appealing. I think that its design hasn’t been changed in a long time. However, if you are willing to forgive them those things and sign up, you’ll be greeted with hot solo videos in which you can see straight men masturbating.


  • Very interesting theme
  • Wide range of hot straight men
  • Associated picture sets
  • Exclusive content


  • Old-fashioned design and layout
  • Average quality of the content
  • No information about the updates


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