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ThisVid/gay&fetish Review

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With a wide variety of gay hardcore fetish content, including some fetishes that mildly surprised even our weathered and knowledgeable team, This Vid /Gay & Fetish is an interesting option for a tube that may go a little harder that the usual fare in at least some videos. However, videos also appear to be repeated across various pages, so it’s very difficult to tell on ThisVid/Gay&Fetish how many videos are actually in the collection as a whole. On the other hand, though, the site design is minimalist, black, and functional. It’s very easy on the eyes, and you’ll see that thumbnails have run time badges, ratings badges, and even HD resolution badges, to help you easily and intuitively locate the videos that you’re actually interested in, regardless of which mood you happen to be in – whether that’s spanking, sounding, pissplay, public, various kinds of torture, breathplay bags, leather, or whatever your itch that day happens to be for!

When you get to the actual player page on any given video at thisvid.com/categories/gay-fetish you’ll find that there’s actually quite a lot of information. You’ll find ratings, view counts, the option to favorite (at least if you care to sign up and log in) as well as upload date, a share button, and general ratings out of five. The categories tend toward intuitive usage here, with one main category alongside a number of different tags. Plus, you’ll find that there are comments down below as well. You will also find a great list of playlists on the top bar, among other useful links, and you can set up your own playlists. That is, you can if you choose to sign up to have your own account. Ultimately, we find that for those with harder fetish tastes, This Vid /Gay & Fetish is a solid option to add to your free tube site rotation.


  • Simple, functional, layout that’s both intuitive and dark. This results in a very easy to use site that’ll get you to your porn quickly and easily


  • We’re not sure why videos occasionally seem to be repeated in the category list – the tube may be padding video counts, or alternatively, there may be a bug in the site design itself.

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