Home » Gay Spanking Porn Sites » SpankingStraightBoys

SpankingStraightBoys Review

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To my surprise, spanking is slowly becoming one of the most popular niches in gay porn, and I’m happy to see that. I remember it well, it was challenging (to say the least) to find high-quality, premium content that revolves around homosexual spanking sessions.

However, those days are in the past, and I hope we won’t need to revisit them ever again. If you’re anything like me and enjoy watching young and cute straight boys getting their shapely asses slapped by strong, muscular men with big hands, then keep on reading to find out all you need to know about SpankingStraightBoys.com.


Before we delve into the specifics of the content of Spanking Straight Boys, let’s discuss its UI and UX first. When you enter the site, you’ll see information about the current total number of movies and models, the latest updates, and a navigation bar with several options. It’s nice to see that the content is properly dated.

This information shows that SpankingStraightBoys.com updates its gallery regularly. On average, you can expect fresh spanking gay porn videos once a week. Moreover, the average length of the videos is around 15 minutes, plus they’re all exclusive. The videos look good and the newer ones come in Full HD, but I would also like to see some 4K content in the near future, as Full HD doesn’t impress me anymore.

Content & Models

While you should expect to see a lot of cute, allegedly straight boys with shapely asses who love being submissive and getting their asses spanked, the one thing you shouldn’t expect is any kind of sex, including oral. These spanking sessions never turn into hardcore fucking, but at least you’ll see some nice bare butts and the occasional view of a dick.

When it comes to the amount of content you can find here, this spanking gay porn site currently offers almost 500 original episodes. As for the models that star in them, most of them are young guys with athletic or muscular bodies. Only one guy I saw had a significant amount of ink on his body, while the rest of them rocked a clean-cut look. Also, most of the models are Caucasian, but you’ll also see several African-American guys and some sexy Latinos with bubble butts.


If you are a frequent visitor of BestGaySites, you might have noticed that I don’t hold back on criticism. However, when it comes to SpankingStraightBoys, there isn’t a single significant drawback. Sure I would like to see the addition of Zip downloads for picture sets and some scenes that involve fucking, but for a gay spanking porn site, SpankingStraightBoys is almost flawless, which is something I don’t say lightly.


  • Good-looking guys with shapely butts
  • Properly exclusive archive
  • Intense spankings with hands and various objects
  • Downloadable content
  • Regular updates every week
  • Mobile-compatible user interface


  • No sex or even erections
  • Several scenes are divided into two parts
  • No Zip files for the galleries


1 Month MembershipRecurs every month at $29.95


3 Months MembershipBilled every 3 months at $79.95


6 Months MembershipBilled every 6 months at $99.95


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